About us

GCT's test site is located in Prairieville, Louisiana is located on an ideal piece of property situated in a neighborhood of approximately 450 homes, and is completely fenced with a 10 foot privacy fence for security. The site is located approximately five miles down Interstate 10 from our Baton Rouge office.

The GCT dosing system is a state of the art computer driven system. GCT utilizes three Siemens controllers to dose the aerobic treatment units pursuant to the Standard. Additionally, we have a dual grinder pump system for the neighborhood only influent wet well for redundancy in our operations.

Raw wastewater is pumped wet well fed by a neighborhood subdivision to an influent tank located on our testing facility by the grinder pumps. Dosing pumps located within the influent tank feed the raw influent through a manifold and valve system to each aerobic treatment unit at five gallon increments until the correct dose is administered pursuant to Standard. The entire valve system is operated by three Siemen controllers for accuracy and reliability.

We collect the samples and transfer the samples to our wastewater laboratory located on the test site. Our laboratory can easily perform all the tests required by the Standards pursuant to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater or an EPA approved method. We also provide additional testing services outside of the Standard that may be required by various regulatory jurisdictions, including but not limited to bacteriological testing and/or nutrient testing beyond the Standard.

In the event a client requests a test our laboratory does not perform, we have relationships with several NELAC approved laboratories, and GCT will contract those tests at the lowest possible rates.

We also perform all equipment evaluations pursuant to Standard 46 at the Prairieville test site.

Contact us

14378 Park Avenue Prairieville, Louisiana 70769